Sunday 17 April 2011

Tasks for 'Effects of Pollution' Article

Hi and good day fellow students,

In my previous post, I had asked you all to search for the definitions of the ten words in the suggested online dictionaries so that you could comprehend the article better. I have also not given you the tasks to do based on the article yet. So, today, I am going to list down the tasks which you need to do based on the previous article.

Your answers for these questions must be posted in your individual blogs.

1) Based on your understanding of the ten vocabularies in the previous article, please write ONE sentence for each of the word.

2) Please answer the comprehension questions as follow :

a) What is pollution long known for?
b) What does WWF say about marine pollution?
c) How does fertilizer runoff contribute in polluting the nature?
d) How many tonnes of chemical warfare agents were dumped in oceans from 1946 to 1965?
e) What is the result of marine pollution gathered by ocean currents drawing in garbage from far away places?

Please post your answers in your individual blogs before 12.00pm, 24 April 2011.

Good luck and no copying from friends, alright!

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