Sunday 17 April 2011

Robots, robots, robots!

Hi and good day fellow students,

In my previous post, I have provided you all a note regarding WH question words and asked you to thoroughly understand on how to use each one of the question word given. So, have you all mastered it? Hopefully you have! That is because, today, I will give you a very interesting task to do in which besides practicing your comprehension of those WH question words, I will also give you all a chance to IMAGINE and EXPRESS YOUR CREATIVITY! 

Before I inform you all the task, let's take a look at the pictures below : 

Yes, your task today has to closely deal with ROBOTS. What I need you to do now is,

1) Take an A4 paper and draw your own imaginative robot which you want to 'invent'.
2) In order to come out with your very own robot, make sure that the robot has the characteristics that match your answers for questions that I am going to provide you below. The questions are :

     a) What are the capabilities of your robot?
     b) When will you use the robot? (e.g. : meal time, vacation, etc.)
     c) Which functions of the robot that you like most?
     d) Why do you think this robot is going to be a great one?

3) After you finished drawing the robot, please scan your drawing and upload it into your individual blog.  If you do not have computer and/or scanner, please go to our school Language Laboratory and do it there.

4) Below your robot drawing in the blog, please write the answers of the questions above.

Please finish this task before 12.00pm, 22 April 2011. 

You can be as creative as you want. Express your creativity, my dear students!

Good luck!

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