Sunday 17 April 2011

Michael Jackson and Charles McCarthy : Any Similarity?

Hi and good day, fellow students. How have you all been doing? I am sorry that I could not go to school last Friday (15 April 2011) because I had to attend a meeting in Pahang. Since we are approaching our mid term examination this May, I think there is not much time left for us to finish up our syllabus. That is why I came out with this blog so that all of you can get access to our lessons whenever I cannot afford to be around.

This is going to be our very first online lesson. For this first online lesson, let's us start with watching the video below.

I am pretty sure that you all could recognize the singer in the video above, am I right? He is the late Michael Jackson, the pop legend. 

Do you all still remember that I asked you to read the novel "The Boscombe Valley Mystery" last week? By now, all of you should have read the novel, and Charles McCarthy is one of the characteristics in the novel.

The similarity between Michael Jackson's death and Charles McCarthy's death is that, their deaths are MYSTERIOUS.

Do you all agree if I say one of Charles McCarthy's characteristics is that his death is mysterious?

I will inform you your tasks in my next post. Hopefully you all could get the hint of what we are going to do next through this post. Keep yourselves updated, alright!

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